Cataract Assessment

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Having cataracts means that the eye's normally clear lens has become cloudy or dense, preventing sufficient light from entering the eye.

Cataracts are the most common reversible cause of blindness in older people. In Singapore, over 80% people aged 60 and above have a significant cataract. Cataracts can cause symptoms such as blurred vision, glare and haloes, double vision, poor night vision and changes in how one sees colours in the affected eye. This can result in difficulty driving and even increase the risk of falls and injury in the elderly.

At Lumin Eye Specialists, our dedicated team of ophthalmologists are experienced in cataract assessment and treatment (surgical removal of the cataract).

Cataract Assessment

If you or an elderly family member you know are showing signs of cataracts, it is recommended to get a comprehensive cataract assessment, so that you can:

  • identify whether your vision is affected by a cataract
  • detect cataract development (type and severity)
  • determine appropriate treatment (what type of cataract surgery, and when)

Cataract assessment may involve any of the following:

  • Visual Acuity Test - This uses a chart to test how well one can read a range of letters in decreasing sizes
  • Dilated Retinal Exam - Eye drops are used to dilate one’s pupils, allowing the doctor to examine the retina and the lens of the eye
  • Slit-Lamp Exam - This allows the doctor to clearly see the structures of both the front and back of the eye and detect any abnormalities
  • Biometry - Measurements of the eye to determine which lenses are suitable for your eye

After a thorough eye examination, the doctor will determine the severity of the cataract and recommend appropriate treatment.

The most effective and established mode of treatment is cataract surgery to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a new, artificial one. There will be no pain or anxiety during the procedure as we use local anaesthesia and provide sedation to keep you comfortable (and free from anxiety) delete this. We perform routine cataract surgeries as day surgery cases without the need to stay overnight in hospital.

There are options to correct (a) near-sightedness or myopia (b) astigmatism and (c) presbyopia with the right lenses. Overall, cataract surgery is a highly successful operation, especially in the hands of experienced cataract surgeons.

Cataract Surgery FAQs

Can cataracts be treated with medications?
What do I do if I have early cataracts?
When to have cataract surgery?
What are the types of cataract surgery available?
What are the risks and side effects of cataract surgery?
Is cataract surgery painful?
How long does cataract surgery take?
What is the cost of cataract surgery?
Do cataracts come back after surgery?
Do I need spectacles after cataract surgery?